Article published by : alicelee on Friday, August 07, 2015

Category : Computers

Unmetric Takes Social Media Analytics to Another Dimension

In an ever changing business environment, where taking part in social networking activities is the literally way for expansion, developing social media strategies that are engaging becomes the real challenge. But, the astonishing potential of emerging social networks when it comes to attracting prospects cannot be denied.

Unmetric is basically a data analytics platform with the sole goal of empowering brands to make their social media presence more appealing and fruitful. By offering them real time data which is relevant to their business and targets, Unmetric makes it possible for businesses to monitor the posts which are performing well and those that are not as compared to their competitors. The tool is able to use a variety of metrics to collect the sets of data of a specific business which they would find more valuable to their goals. In this way, brands are able to tailor-make their social media strategies to increase their chances of attracting more consumers towards their brand.

The whole idea of using a service such as Unmetric is to be able to optimize all of the crucial processes which are related to content creation which will help generate a steady flow of faithful leads towards the company. By giving you a better idea of the types of posts that generate the best engagement in your target audience, Unmetric is able to give brands a better understanding on their audience, their behavior and the ways they react towards impactful content on social media.

Since creating quick and inspirational content is the sole purpose of products who wish to engage an online audience, Unmetric facilitates that need by providing its clients with quick and dependable analysis which the clients can then use to create a stream of engaging posts on the products and services of the specific company.

Another great feature of Unmetric is called competitor analysis, which actually notifies the user whenever a particular post, video or image starts to receive an unusual amount of attention online. This offers the user with an immediate opportunity of wither joining in on a trending discussion or simply stand back and observe how different customers perceive your post.

Apart from that, one of the features of Unmetric takes the post and engagement level to a whole new level. The highlights section basically displays the analysis that serves as the basis for the planning of a company’s future strategies. This section is able to quickly identify the items which are able to rapidly gain momentum, which consequently helps brands to stay in touch with the discussions which are currently trending.

Collecting and analyzing the actionable data is often times a complex process that most companies see as a waste of time. But, the ability to constantly monitor social media trends, and company posts on social media outlets enables brands to identify key opportunities in engaging the consumers, and more importantly, makes the process of content planning a lot less exhaustive, which is the reason why the metrics provided by Unmetric can be so important to the overall content strategy of a business, especially when it comes to using emerging social networks.


Keywords: Emerging social networks

By: alicelee

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