Article published by : Triumphhcg on Monday, March 28, 2016

Category : Appliances

I Don’t Like To Dust. Will An Air Purifier Allow Me To Never Dust Again In My Home?

God no! An Air purifier is not a onetime investment to escape from dusting. It would only reduce the amount of dust that will be accumulating inside your home. You still have to do the regular dusting and cleaning. The only difference would be that the frequency will be less and that you could wait a little longer before you have to do the dusting again. Air purifiers reduce dust and air particles; they do not completely erase them from the air.

Air purifier is only a temporary solution

It is not your fault if you think that you are done with the dusting if you have an air purifier with you. No matter how much the device costs or has so many features, the effects of an air purifier stay intact for as long as it is working. The maximum those effects could extend, is up to 2 hours after it stops working.

Many people do the mistake of running the air purifier for a specific period of time and then switch it off. Though it can provide the temporary relief from the polluted air, if you are not careful, the polluted air could soon reinstate sooner.

Some of the best air purifiers for home:

Allerair 5000 UV Air Purifier

Honeywell HRF-D1 HEPA Air Purifier

Austinair Healthmate Jr Air Purifier

Expect the unexpected

Not only that you still have to do the dusting, you may even have to clean up the air purifier so that it continues to clean the air for you. The air purifiers that come with a pre-filter are effective but give you some job to clean up after them. These pre-filters are removable and washable. They capture the larger air particles that can be and should be removed from time to time, so that the inner filtering layers will have to deal with only the smaller particles. This helps prolong the life of the air filter which usually last for only 3-8 months.

Dust keeps coming back

Dust and other air particles would always exist in the air for as long as they are outside. It may not be possible to shut out all the windows and doors permanently just because you have an air purifier. You still need some fresh air. to get the fresh air you got to open the windows. The fresh air is most likely to bring in dust with it, if it is present outside. Anyways, it is not possible to completely eradicate them from anywhere.

Moreover, consider the air purifiers as only helpers. They are no miracle workers who rotate their fans and all the pollution vanishes. In most cases, the air quality is bound to bounce back to its previous state after 2 hours of switching off the air purifier.The extend you can go to reduce having to do the dusting is to have an air purifier in every room.


Keywords: Allerair 5000 UV Air Purifier, Honeywell HRF-D1 HEPA Air Purifier, Austinair Healthmate Jr Air Purifier

By: Triumphhcg

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