Article published by : Jorge Martin on Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Category : Alternative Medicine

How To Improve Focus And Concentration In Children And Adults?

Poor focus and concentration are basically caused due to poor brain function that include distractions, short attention, slow thinking and lack of motivation or in certain cases, depression. The problem of poor focus is common in growing children and aging men and women. In some kids, the problem results in hyperactivity and can be improved by practice. In aging and middle-aged people, the irregularity in thoughts and distractions may happen due to psychological factors, which can be easily controlled by taking holistic treatments and doing meditation. To know how to improve focus and concentration, herbs such as Bacopa monnieri and Convolvulus pluricaulis can be taken.

Regular intake of Bacopa monnieri can provide the best ways to people who want to know how to improve focus and concentration. The herb reduces the effects of psychological stress when taken regularly for more than four weeks. The study on the herb showed it reduced the expression HSP70, which is a biomarker for stress and can be seen in all regions of brain. This component is more visible in the hippocampus and cortex. The herb helps to reduce the level of stress markers in all regions. It can modulate stress response and this was tested on rats in laboratory where the rats were given 20 to 40 mg of per kg body weight of the herb and the increase in the stress marker was noted by more than 17 percent in the hippocampus, while in the cerebellum, the results were more than 83 percent and in the cortex, the result was more than 50 percent.

The study on the action of the herb found it could induce gene expression of stress and prepare rats for perceived stress and reduce its impact on brain regions. The herb provides neuro protection including protection from infection and inflammation. Bacopa monnieri along with other brain empowering herbs can be found in BrainOBrain capsules that provide great ways to those who wish to find out how to improve focus and concentration.

The herbal supplement reduces oxidative damage induced to brain by metals such as aluminium and overload of iron due to the presence of certain phyto chemicals. For example - herb Bacopa monnieri can protect brain from mercury related oxidative damage and this was tested on laboratory rats.

Predominantly, the damage to brain region due to aging can be effectively controlled by taking the herb. The herb can reduce neural inflammation caused by aging. It has anti-aging effects and this was tested on human subjects over a period of three months where the dose of 200 mg per kg could change TNF-alpha and IL-1beta levels. This happens due to the presence of steroidal saponins in the herb. This herb is being researched by global laboratories as it can prevent beta amyloid pigmentation, commonly, found in Alzheimer patients, and since the herb can control oxidation caused by ROS, lipids and metals, as well as, it can inhibit lipoxygenase activity, it is believed to be potent to be used by people who want to find out how to improve focus and concentration.


Keywords: Memory Supplements Improve Concentration, Increase Brain Power Herbal Pills, Herbal Treatment For Poor Memory

By: Jorge Martin

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