Article published by : Jorge Martin on Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Category : Alternative Medicine

How To Enhance Mental Abilities And Fight Forgetfulness Habit Naturally?

Forgetfulness is related to the disturbance in the transmission of message from brain to other body parts due to break in the motor neuron passage. Even though the condition of dementia and forgetfulness is common in aging people, even youngsters face the problem. Stress is one of the major causes for forgetfulness in youngsters as stress can active the production of protein kinase C in brain that causes short circuit of the memory and the person loses short term memory. People suffer from loss of memory when they overextend themselves and take up too much which causes stressful situations resulting in short term memory loss. Sometimes one faces the problem due to under active thyroid or sleep disturbances. Inactivity and sluggishness can even trigger forgetfulness. To know how to enhance mental abilities and fight forgetfulness in natural manner, one should remain mentally and physically active and herbs can also help in providing natural ways to improve brain power and cognition.

Bacopa monnieri or Brahmi can reduce anxiety to fight forgetfulness. It offers a reliable ways to know how to enhance mental abilities. It can help a person to relax and promote motivation. The herb is rich in anti-oxidants. The regular intake of the herb causes growth in nerve endings called dendrites to fight forgetfulness that can promote neuron communication by enhancing the rate of communication within the neurons.

A study on the herb showed when it was given regularly to rats; it was able to cause neuronal growth in areas of brain such as the basolateral amygdala and the hippocampus. The herb was found to be effective even in human studies where the dendritic enhancements were reported when it was given to the participants for more than two weeks and the study results provided the probable explanation to its properties of memory enhancement. In healthy humans, the intake of herb helped in retention of fresh memory and it also reduced the rate of short term forgetfulness by the means of increase in encoding of information and also improving speed of message transmission.

The herb helped in reducing stress to fight forgetfulness. Studies showed it can reduce HSP70 expression which is the biomarker of stress and it worked as stress modulator effectively. It is rich in vitamin E and can help in reducing neuro inflammation when taken over a period of three months. The dose of 100 mcg of the herb was equivalent to 58 mcg of vitamin E in potency.

The presence of anti-aging vitamin E and certain bio chemicals in the herb can help in exerting neurological anti-aging impact on human body. The study in laboratory showed it can decrease beta amyloid pigmentations as it prevents oxidations caused by lipids, ROS and metals. Also it can protect mercury induced nerve damage.

The herb is one of the key ingredients of BrainOBrain capsule and offers the best answer to people who want to know how to enhance mental abilities in a natural way. If given to people in the age group of 65 and above, it helped in reducing anxiety and the levels of depression to improve concentration and mind power to fight forgetfulness.


Keywords: Memory Supplements Improve Concentration, Increase Brain Power Herbal Pills, Herbal Treatment For Poor Memory

By: Jorge Martin

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