Article published by : George Mathew on Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Category : Men's Issues

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Sexual Weakness Because Of Over Masturbation

Self-stimulation of genitals for sexual pleasure is called masturbation. Around 96% of men worldwide are engaged in self-stimulation. Most of the young males enjoy sexual pleasure for the first time through self-stimulation. Self-stimulation relieves males from sexual tension. It is common in young males. Males, whose females are reluctant for lovemaking or away, also engage in self-stimulation. It also safeguards males from sexually transmitted diseases. However, excessive hand practice is harmful to your health. Excessive self-stimulation damages nerves and tissues in the genitals. Men, who are engaged in excessive hand practice for several years, can seek herbal remedies that offer effective cure. Maha Rasayan capsules and No Fall herbal pills are recommended for the best ayurvedic treatment of over masturbation.

You are also advised to massage the male organ using herbal oils such as King Cobra oil daily two times. It is the best recommended ayurvedic treatment of over masturbation. Take 10 to 15 drops of this herbal oil and apply along the male organ. Gently massage the male organ using fingers. This herbal oil gets penetrated deep into the penile nerves and tissues. It heals damaged nerves and tissues. It also dilates the tiny blood vessels in the penile region. When you are sexually excited, immense blood flow is ensured to the reproductive organs to cause fuller and stronger erection. You can penetrate deep into her and enjoy intimate moments.

Strong parasympathetic nerves cure sexual disorders like semen leakage in urine, nightfall, premature ejaculation, impotence and weakness in male organ. Therefore, it is touted as the effective ayurvedic treatment of over masturbation.

Its key ingredients are Samudra Phal, Kalonji oil, Kapur oil, Akarkara, Javitri, Kesar, Ashwagandha, Dalchini oil and Jaiphal oil.

While King Cobra oil offers external treatment for bad effects of excessive hand practice, Maha Rasayan capsules and No Fall capsules offer internal cure to help you relieve from sexual disorders quickly.

You need to consume one No Fall capsule and one Maha Rasayan capsule daily in the morning and in the night after intake of food.

Potent herbs in these herbal pills are responsible for improving testosterone and strengthen weak nerves in the reproductive organs. It improves your libido. It also boosts blood supply to your reproductive organs. Herbs like Shilajit Sudh supplement your body with important minerals, nutrients and vitamins in right dosage. It reverses aging effects and boosts your vigor, vitality, strength, stamina and energy levels.

Other herbs like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Pipal etc., relieves you from premature ejaculation, sexual weakness, nightfall and boosts strength and energy levels.

It also boosts semen load and sperm count to enjoy intense pleasure in the climax. It also boosts endurance to last longer in bed and offer immense sexual pleasure. Therefore, No Fall capsules and Maha Rasayan capsules are considered the best ayurvedic treatment of over masturbation. You can buy Maha Rasayan capsules, No Fall capsules and King Cobra oil from reliable online pharmacies using credit card and cure sexual disorders permanently.

Practice yoga and kegel exercises regularly to get rid of bad effects of excessive hand practice. Include kidney beans, watermelon, pumpkin seeds, eggs, cooked oysters, fish, pomegranate and banana in your daily diet.


Keywords: Overcome Over Masturbation Side Effects, Stop Nightfall, Treatment For Semen Discharge, Erectile Dysfunction Oil For Stronger Erection

By: George Mathew

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