Article published by : Noel Tesla on Thursday, October 27, 2016

Category : Men's Issues

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of ED And Boost Erection Strength In Men

Relaxation of muscles, wall of the arteries and blood flow into the tissues of the male reproductive organ causes an increase in pressure, leading to erection and this hardness persists until stimulation stops. The flow of blood led by the signalling (e.g. touch or other stimuli) and nerves activates can be suppressed by stress or depression. This is not a condition which will go away on its own, one need to take cure to manage the issue. Stress management involves the method of meditation and massage where the body relaxes as the undesirable chemicals are released with sweat. Massage provides natural ways to get rid of ED and it can boost erection strength. It can assist the lymphatic and the vascular system to restrict release of body-chemicals caused by stress.

ED is not a life threatening condition but it can be harbinger of heart attack as study on men for 7 years found a direct link of heart attack and stroke to ED. The onset of ED is linked to 25 percent increase in the risk of heart attack, mini strokes, angina and similar conditions, as compared to healthy men. About 20 percent of men seeking help for ED suffer from undiagnosed high blood pressure and 15 percent have diabetes, while about 5 percent of men with ED suffer from coronary artery diseases.

Younger men with ED are at higher risk of contracting heart conditions. The use of natural ways to get rid of ED - herbal oil e.g. King Cobra oil can lubricate the internal organs to boost erection strength. The method of slow, rhythmical and light massage with medicated oil can help the body in three ways. It asserts the mood and the psychological state. It influences the limbic centre of the brain and acts as messenger to the pituitary as it improves communication of the nerve pathways.

The combination of nerves involving the sympathetic nerve (that helps a person to feel energetic or aggressive to do a task) and parasympathetic nerves (relaxing nerve) together provide the right environment for the flow of signals in the body and massage with oil evokes relaxation and soothing effect.

Extensive research on massage shows it can help in stimulation of reflex effect to boost erection strength. The slow stocking movement of the skin can cause the activation of the parasympathetic nerves and this can, especially, stimulates the vagus nerves to slow down the heart rate and increase body relaxation.

Natural ways to get rid of ED such as ayurvedic cures target the hypothalamus to control body actions. Hypothalamus links the endocrines and the nervous system - the main activity needed for erection function. The hypothalamus can affect the autonomic response and changes of mind or body can happen due to it. This interrelation between the mind and body can be regulated by the method of massage with King Cobra oil where the process of touch and the stress impulses originating from the soft tissue injuries that result in pain can be relaxed by the method of natural ways to get rid of ED such as massage.


Keywords: Erectile Dysfunction Oil, Herbal Weak Erection Treatment, Herbal Male Sexual Enhancement Oil

By: Noel Tesla

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