Article published by : drvaidyas90 on Saturday, December 11, 2021

Category : Health & Fitness

20 Foods That Increase Immunity Naturally

Keep yourself safe from illness and viruses by taking these 20 food items that boost the immune system naturally.

1.) All Grains Whole grains contain anti-inflammatory properties that help boost healthy bacteria in your digestive tract, which boosts your immune system.

2.) 2) Citrus Fruits Oranges and tangerines lemons, and many other citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C which boosts your immune system.

3.) 3 ) Bone Broth A broth made of bones from animals (like the bones of chickens) can assist you in getting over colds by strengthening your immunity. According to research the chicken bone broth has anti-inflammatory properties on the body.

4.) Mushrooms Research suggests that mushrooms are excellent for boosting immunity. One study found that those who consumed a daily dose of mushrooms for four weeks, had more immune-boosting T-cells.

5.) Kefir Kefir is a fermented beverage that is enriched with healthy bacteria, which can help improve immunity. A study found that drinking Kefir frequently can increase antioxidant activity, decrease inflammation and fights bacteria.

Six) Rosemary Rosemary is a excellent herb that can take your food to the highest level. It is rich in antioxidants. It is also anti-inflammatory and can help to maintain an immune system that is healthy.

7.) Almonds Almonds are packed with nutritious fats and vitamins, including Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Consuming half-cup of almonds that have been shelled will provide you with all of the daily recommended amount in Vitamin E.

8.) Poultry Poultry similar to turkey and chicken are high with Vitamin B6. This vitamin is crucial to help your body create good red blood cells. The poultry stock also contains nutrients that improve the health of your gut and boost your immunity.

9.) Tomatoes Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, which we are aware of its benefits for the immune system. Vitamin C is also able to boost the immune system's T-cells as well as Phagocytes, which are two essential components in the immunity system.

10) Drinking plenty of water is among the most important steps you should take when you feel sick. Dehydration can have a number of negative impacts on your body, and one of them is an impaired immune system. Doctors recommend that adults consume at eight glasses of fluid each day.

11.) Blueberries Blueberries contain a flavonoid known as Anthocyanin. It contains antioxidant properties that could improve your immunity. Studies have proven that those who consume flavonoid-rich food items like Blueberries had a lower chance to get colds.

12.) Spinach Spinach, like most of the other foods with immune-boosting properties listed on the list above, are high in Vitamin C. In addition to this fantastic vitamin, it has beta carotene and antioxidants. These two elements aid in strengthening our immune system's ability fight off infection.

13.) Ginseng Tea Ginseng tea is growing in popularity in India due to its numerous scientifically proven health benefits. Consuming this tea may aid in treating common colds as well as strengthen the immune system. It is also thought to be extremely relaxing as it has properties to reduce anxiety.

14.) Elderberries Elderberries, like many other berries, are abundant in antioxidants, which protect the body from the effects of oxidative stress. According to research, Elderberry extract can help stop the spread of many influenza viruses. However, it is yet to be established that Elderberries can be a treatment for COVID-19.

15.) Red Bell Peppers Did you know that red bell peppers contain 3 times as much Vitamin C of oranges, if determined by weight? Don't overlook this delicious and healthy vegetable for its ability to boost your immune system. It also has Beta carotene, which helps to produce Vitamin A and boosts the body's immune system.

16.) Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate is a delicious method to boost your immune system. It's a rich source of Theobromine an antioxidant that shields your body from damage caused by free radicals. But, it is important to consume moderately because it's loaded with sugar and calories as well as saturated fat.

17.) Anise Tea Anise tea isn't the most common tea. If you can find anise in Arunachal Pradesh, you will be able to take advantage of it's antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. In addition to these benefits you will also gain access to antioxidants to boost your immune system by drinking Anise tea.

18.) Wild Salmon Salmon is packed with Zinc which has been proven to help reduce symptoms of common cold. It is also necessary to help develop immune cells and the proper functioning. According to one study children who consumed a zinc rich diet had less colds in the winter. Zinc was found to be effective in diminishing the severity and length of cold symptoms when consumed during the very first 24-hours after the cold.

19.) Sunflower Seeds Consuming sunflower seeds is an excellent snack that supplies you with Magnesium, Phosphorus as well as vitamin E as well as B6. As we mentioned previously, Vitamin E helps boost and strengthen the immune system. Selenium from sunflower seeds could also aid in fighting viral infections such as swine flu (H1N1).

Twenty) 20) Pomegranate juice Pomegranates taste sweet and are a food item that's been consumed for centuries to help improve health. The ancient Egyptians even utilized the fruit to treat illnesses. Today, scientists believe that the juice of Pomegranate helps your body fight viruses and bacteria, such as the flu.

Increase Your Immunity-Boosting Power Naturally: Ayurvedic Immunity Booster will help boost immunity naturally. However, it will be an ongoing process that won't be done in a single day. To speed up the process, consider the help of Ayurvedic Booster supplements. They are made of natural ingredients and designed to boost your immunity naturally , without any adverse negative effects. The majority of major brands offer an immune booster, including the Dr. Vaidya's new age Ayurveda, which comes with Imuno herb Capsules.


Keywords: improve your immunity, Ayurvedic Immunity Booster, boosting immunity

By: drvaidyas90

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