Article published by : MedleyMed on Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Category : Alternative Medicine

Telemedicine Concerns and How to Overcome Them?

Telehealth is not a new concept: an article published in The Lancet in 1879 urged for the use of the telephone to reduce the number of unnecessary office visits.

The magazine Science and Invention highlighted it in 1925 when it featured a physician diagnosing their patient via the radio on the cover.

Telehealth has advanced far beyond anything anyone could have envisioned a century ago, thanks to current advances in information technology and the rise of industry 4.0.

Doctors may now communicate with their patients via video chat, monitor them remotely via IoT, and access all their medical records with a single click. Furthermore, the usage of telemedicine solutions has risen as a result of COVID-19 and the accompanying shutdown.

It is predicted that more than 1 billion virtual healthcare contacts will occur by 2023. Telehealth visits increased by 50% in March of 2021 alone.

What Is the State of Telehealth Right Now?

According to a poll conducted by Software Advice, patients are already interested in telemedicine.

Telemedicine Platform, a subset of telehealth, piqued the attention of nearly three out of every four responders.

If taught us anything about healthcare, it was the significance of embracing digitalization and telemedicine.

As the globe sank into dread and uncertainty at the start of 2020, the Indian people were quickly confined to their homes for the better part of the year. This has been a nightmare for people with significant illnesses and chronic disorders, as the epidemic has put unprecedented demand on healthcare systems around the world, including in India.

Following the epidemic of the Coronavirus, the Indian government issued new telemedicine guidelines to assist patients and healthcare professionals by delivering medical services to the Indian people.

Patients who have used telemedicine identified several advantages, which should come as no surprise.

· High-quality care: on par with, if not better than, face-to-face encounters

· Eliminating the need for travel and allowing patients to see a doctor from the convenience of their own homes

· The opportunity to see a doctor quickly and avoid waiting

· Reduced expenses

Telemedicine saved rural patients, especially those without easy access to efficient forms of transportation, the time and effort of arranging transportation to and from their appointments.

This is why rural hospitals have embraced telemedicine more than urban or suburban hospitals.

Telehealth: Issues and Concerns

The majority of problems fall into one of two categories: those relating to treatment quality and those connected to procedure technology.

These misgivings may hinder the adoption of telehealth, which is why healthcare providers must address them to encourage its growth.

Medical Treatment of High Quality

The most widespread belief is that obtaining virtual consultations will not provide the same level of care as receiving in-person treatment.

The in-person engagement and relationship developed with the physician is a vital component of medical consultation for many people.

This should come as no surprise, as studies have shown that efficient communication between patients and their doctors has a significant impact on health outcomes.

When it comes to determining how virtual consultations compare to in-person care, the most important instrument that healthcare practitioners should consider is education.

When done right, telehealth can be quite beneficial.

Concerns about Health-Care Quality

The primary telehealth technology, as well as the main forms of telehealth, should be explained to patients which is very well done by MedleyMed. Visit our website for more details at


By: MedleyMed

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