Article published by : Ashta Yoga Center on Thursday, February 05, 2015

Category : Yoga

200 & 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

200-hour yoga teacher training programs are absolutely exhilarating and transformational endeavor. With the wealth of schools of yoga in India, it could be tough to decide on a particular training program.

Upon conclusion of a 200-hour yoga teacher training, students will have a detailed understanding of asanas, including appropriate positions & modifications, as well as particular pranayama, mantra, kriya, and meditation procedures that can help students in getting the full gains of yoga.

200-hour yoga teacher training also offers awareness on teaching method, including displaying positions, observing, helping and correcting learners, teaching styles, attributes of a great yoga teacher, as well as the business of training yoga. This info is supplemented by a systematic understanding of anatomy & physiology, 1 of the most vital features of yoga teacher training. Learners who accomplish the training will study about both energetic anatomy and physical anatomy. The two-hundred hours of teaching are rounded out with the study of yoga values, which can differ according to the viewpoints of the training institute.

A 200 hour yoga instructor training program should preferably leave the partakers not just prepared to teach passionately and safely, but to promote their own study & practice of yoga.

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training:

A 300-hour yoga teacher training Goa often allows a learner of yoga to start to dig into the more understated and philosophical facets of this practice. While a 200-hour training program is more focused on the positions (asanas) that a learner will be teaching more than whatever else is available, a prolonged format of training can start to get into the actual substance of this practice, its mental & subtle procedures and theories.

Although it’s absolutely useful to have the capacity to train the more “exercise” sort classes that there possibly a solid market for, but those individuals who keep coming back to yoga are often practicing it for something more than the solid and supple body.

The energetic, inspirational and mental facets of a yoga training are what differentiates yoga from a typical exercise program, and are frequently what instructors & practitioners are most inquisitive about.

A three-hundred-hour yoga teacher training program enables the students to explore pranayama & mediation procedures and also the theoretical keystones of yoga that aids a learner progress on his or her journey towards Samadhi.

Institutions that provide their students with this balanced training in their three-hundred-hour yoga teacher training program open their students to the affluence of techniques and knowledge that’s yoga.


Keywords: yoga teacher training, yoga teacher training Goa

By: Ashta Yoga Center

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