Article published by : Ashta Yoga Center on Thursday, February 19, 2015

Category : Yoga

Three Health Advantages of Yoga

Yoga is an eastern practice that involves strange positions and stretches that may look a little awkward, though a lot of people swear by once they have tried it. It is well known to be relaxing and a sound approach to work out. However, there’re also many wild claims about it. What is true and what is not? Luckily, there has been clinical research on the subject of yoga, and with unbelievable outcomes. Thus, we don’t require to depend on claims. Rather, let’s have a look at 3 proven health advantages of yoga.

Men Reproductive Health:

The most common issues male encounter nowadays is fertility loss. A recent study shows that, yoga can enhance the sperm quality in case of motility or low sperm count. It has additionally been demonstrated to help prostate health. Obviously, yoga's extraordinary capacity to diminish anxiety and tension is additionally helpful for enhancing a couple's sexual coexistence.

So, instead of running to a clinic, a couple’s 1st stop must be a yoga instructor.

Signs of Menopause:

Another study that audited existing studies have recorded yoga’s capability to ease the symptoms of menopause. They took a gander at hot flashes, cognitive function, sleep, mood and distress. At times, the normal exercises aid as much as yoga, in others, they discovered complete advantage from yoga, and in each case, yoga was as good as typical kinds of exercise.

So, the conclusion is that one cannot go wrong by performing yoga to enhance menopausal signs.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):

Gastroesophageal Reflux, that hopeless and uncomfortable state of stomach corrosive pushing up into the throat, may appear easy to deal with over-the-counter and physician endorsed medications. Yet that support comes at hefty cost: poisoning by aluminium which’s the main constituent in most of these products, and damage your digestion by bringing down the pH of your intestinal tract. You require that acid to process foods appropriately.

So, it is really essential to discover that yoga can alleviate the symptoms GERD. A recent study talk about a particular case of a male whose reflux issues were eased greatly through Yoga, and afterward goes ahead to discuss many trials that have reported gains for GERD as well as other gastrointestinal disorders.

If you want to take all the advantages of yoga, then joining the best yoga school in Goa can help you a lot. So, don’t be too late! Include yoga in your routine for the overall well being.


Keywords: best yoga school in Goa

By: Ashta Yoga Center

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