Article published by : Ankit123 on Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Category : Babies

10 Tips For Disciplining Your Child

Be a role model for the behaviour you expect from your child
To set an example for your child, you need to be an example yourself. Your child is watching you and learning newer things every single day. So the simplest way of setting the ground rules for the most desirable behaviour from your child is by doing it yourself. This will help you child learn faster and better

Praise your child for good behaviour
Positive attention and appreciation will make your child be proud of themselves. When your child does something good, it is a demonstration and reflection of their self-discipline. Try to point out this behaviour and praise it more often. This will build up the confidence of your child and motivate them for doing the good deed

Provide a routine or structure
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You are the head, and you are in charge of creating a schedule for your child. This routine will help them in getting used to the day-to-day activities. When your child is shown and told what they are supposed to do, they are less likely to be derailed by other activities and happenings. Set a proper structure along with ground rules that help your kid stay consistent and focused, thus, thriving on the path of discipline

Set limits and decide consequences
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After you are done setting a schedule and laying down the ground rules for the same, the next step is to work on the consequences. Decide upon the limits of certain activities and tasks and also set the consequences for breaking any rule. This helps your child in being mindful of getting out of the lane of discipline. When your are using consequences and setting limits in the same way for the same sort of behaviour, your child will know what is expected of them

Listen carefully
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Listening to the other side is important in order to build any relationship or communication. Listening is extremely crucial. It can make or break the relationship between child and parents. Hear your girl out. Allow your child the space to finish their own story before you start pointing them out with their issues or offer problem-solving options halfway

Teach your kids about problem-solving skills
Understanding the concept of problem-solving skills goes hand in hand with self-discipline and becomes an important aspect of the same. Sometimes, you might need to take a step back and simply ask your kids what they think can be helpful in a given situation. This will allow them to come up with creative solutions to the problems and use their own extraordinary skills

The next thing to remember is that you need to be mindful of the response you are giving to your child. As a parent, you need to know when you are supposed to respond in a given situation. If your child is not doing something problematic or dangerous and also gets ample attention to positive behaviour, ignoring bad behaviour is an effective way of stopping it. This can also teach your child the natural consequences of their actions

Sometimes, trouble is inevitable
Even after doing all good and correcting all bad, there might be times when your child does end up getting into trouble and such times are indeed, inevitable. What you can do here in order to have the upper hand is that you can plan for such situations ahead in time. You need to prepare your child for the upcoming activities and also give them a heads up on how you want them to behave

Redirecting bad behaviour
Your child is always in learning mode. They are always doing things and then realizing how to categorize them in good behaviour and bad behaviour block. While sometimes the bad behaviour can depict a lack of discipline, the other times your child can behave so just out of boredom. Find something more exciting and playful for your child to do. You can look for an activity that keeps your child busy and keeps their mind occupied at the same time

Shape behaviour gradually
Teaching children the concept of self-discipline id a long and tedious process. This can take years to refine and hone. You also need to use age-appropriate techniques and discipline strategies in order to shape your child’s behaviour. Thus, you need to be patient and mindful at the same time


By: Ankit123

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