Article published by : John Mathew on Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Category : Business

Top 8 Free Online Courses on Family Business

The ever-changing dynamic reality of the business world warrants enterprises to adopt specific modifications and alterations, so as to cater to market trends and remain relevant. While organizations with exponential growth and a wide consumer base are often perceived as the major propellers of the global economy, the importance of family-owned business enterprises should not be negated at any cost either.

These ventures, with their own specific operational mechanisms and functional procedures, require individuals equipped with a specialized understanding of the sector, to help them expand and thrive. If you are looking to acquire a particular skill set that will help you navigate your family-owned enterprise in the right direction along with combating the challenges and impediments that might come in its way, the appropriate course of action for you is to opt for credible learning programs and courses.

Taking into account the practical guidance required to arm you with a cumulative understanding of multifaceted aspects right from managerial issues to strategic decision-making, here is a list of 8 free online courses on family business that have been compiled to help you narrow down your search and get started on your pursuit, without any further delay.

1. Family Business - Strategy Essentials
The success of a business enterprise is fundamentally determined by the expertise, prudence, and strategic foresight that goes into planning its operational procedures. This is one of the free online courses on family business, available on Programs Online that will help you equip yourself with the pertinent managerial skills and acumen required to address the diverse aspects that handling such an enterprise entails.

The guidance from eminent experts will help you sharpen your decision-making abilities even as you subscribe to this course and partake in your learning journey, as per your own comfort and schedule.

2. Entrepreneurial Mindset
Directing and leading a family-based venture requires a potent entrepreneurial bent of mind to adopt necessary innovation and enhance the profitability of the organization as a whole.

This is one option on Coursera that you cannot afford to miss out on if you are looking for a course that will augment your ability to identify issues and formulate business-oriented solutions in accordance, as, and when required.

3. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship in the Family Business
Proceeding with an entrepreneurial family-based venture requires you to arm yourself with the specialized apparatus required for optimizing the opportunities that come in the way, notwithstanding the impediments of an overcrowded market.

This course specifically aids you in adopting each of these skills along with ensuring that you garner the ability to foster a sustainable enterprise taking into account the variations in terms of market trends and values that might differ from time to time.

4. Conflicts of Interest in Business: Ethics and Crisis Management
One of the most crucial factors that can make or break your business enterprise is the way you navigate it through crisis situations. Available on Alison, this is one of the courses on family business that will help you resolve disputes, craft solutions, and strategies that are authentic and assess and tackle risks as well as unprecedented setbacks, as and when required.

Available online, this course can be accessed right from the comfort of your home and pursued at your own pace, as per your own ease and convenience.

5. Family Enterprise Boards
The significance of boards in the broader scheme of navigating and directing the trajectory of an organization, cannot perhaps be overstated. This makes it imperative to opt for free online courses on family business such as this one from the Kellogg School of Management that has been curated especially to help the board maximize its efficiency and potential by facilitating proper strategic planning through the adoption of improved channels and modes of communication.

The fact that this is available absolutely free of cost and can be accessed online, are yet other factors why you cannot afford to miss out on it in any way.

6. EQ for Family Business
There is nothing like experiential knowledge to help you garner an overall understanding of the significance of emotional intelligence in furthering a family business venture, an aspect which this course on edX explicitly delves into.

As you learn to navigate through the dynamics of interconnected relationships and objectives to carve out the best strategies for your enterprise, this is one of the free online courses on family business that will also help you foster an enhanced sense of collaboration and coordination through potent tools of communication, all at once.

7. Succeed in Business Even if You Don't Know Where to Start!
If you are looking for pertinent free online courses on family business that will help you get started right from the very basics, this might just be the one that you are looking for. Right from curating a relevant business proposition to developing financial strategies and long-term vision, this course on Udemy single-handedly caters to the multifaceted aspects of the business reality at large.

The fact that it is available absolutely free of cost, ensures that you get to embark on your learning journey right from today without bearing the financial brunt of it in any way whatsoever.

8. Leadership in the Family Business
Right from setting out with a business objective to charting out a specific pathway to actualize the vision, the role of an individual in a leadership position is monumental in determining the organization's eventual success across future generations.

Available absolutely free of cost, this is one of the free online courses on family business that will help you boost up your leadership acumen by providing you with the right apparatus to implement theoretical basics in practical, ground-level scenarios. The certificate upon completion will further help you track your progress and enhance your proficiency in terms of leading and directing your organization in the long run.

The ownership, as well as management of family-owned enterprises, entails possessing considerable expertise and strategic expertise. Whether you are planning to start a new venture or taking up the mantle of leadership in an existing organization, opting for these free online courses on family business will help you adapt to your role better and address associated obstacles, as and when they come, with far more ease than ever before.


By: John Mathew

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