Article published by : John Mathew on Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Category : Business

10 Best Free Online Courses in Women’s Leadership

The fact that the number of women in top leadership positions still remains despicably low, speaks of the acute gender disparity that is still very much present around the globe. Needless to say, for the world to achieve its true potential without any hindrance, gender inclusivity and diversity are the absolute need of the hour.

The most effective way to address this issue is by ensuring that women are armed with the best of skills that will allow them to rise up the ladder and reach those top management positions with ease. While learning new skills from scratch might have been nothing less of an arduous task in the past, the advent of online platforms has transformed that reality.

These days, you can acquire the most in-demand skills, right from the comfort of your home and bag that promotion which you had been long eyeing.

In case you still feel daunted by the idea of looking through the plethora of courses on the internet, here's a list of top 10 online courses in women's leadership that has been compiled to make your decision-making process somewhat simpler and easier.

1. Fundamentals of Management, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Available on Coursera, this is one among the online programs in women’s leadership that has been specifically designed to aid women entrepreneurs around the globe by offering them with the right strategy and tools for developing effective teams. Not only will this course enable you to map out the right steps that will help you accomplish your objective but it will also boost your organization's success by inducing in you the need to analyze and accordingly transform hiring strategies and the working culture, at large.

2. Women in Leadership: Inspiring Positive Change

An effective way to further women's leadership is by facilitating a transformation in the overall workplace and the culture of an organization. This program on Coursera aims to do just that by helping men and women understand the issues that are operating at large hindering the progress and advancement of women in terms of their careers. With flexible deadlines and the facility of a certificate on completion, this course is an absolute steal that will allow you to initiate certain imperative changes in your organization to achieve its vision through gender-inclusive initiatives and tap into hitherto unrealized potentials.

3. Women's Executive Leadership - ONLINE

As a woman, if you are looking for the right apparatus and tools to develop an efficient network and thereby, further your career, this course on Programs.Online is just the right pick for you. Offered by Haas School of Business, this program will boost your skill set and enable you to put together the most strategic blueprint for your team even as you develop your competence and take up leadership so as to augment the success of your business.

4. Women's Executive Leadership Program (Online)

Presented by UC Berkeley Executive Education, this course on Programs.Online is meant to acquaint you with the hindrances and challenges that you might encounter, as a woman leader. Further, it provides you with tactical solutions and appropriate skills and techniques to address these issues that will enable you to harness your strengths and contribute to your organization's success in the long run.

5. Get Beyond Work-Life Balance (Inclusive Leadership Training)

Available on edX, this course by Catalyst is meant to equip you with such behavioral tendencies that will further an inclusive working culture in your organization. With solutions to transcend barriers in the working environment, this online program will help you understand the dynamics of inclusive leadership and can be accessed absolutely free of cost.

6. Advancing Equity and Inclusion Through Gender Partnership

Aimed at facilitating what is termed as gender partnership, among the online courses in women’s leadership on edX, this course will provide you with the effective tools to bring about such an alteration in your organization and in turn, foster women's leadership. You will also be acquainted with the methods that will ensure everyone's participation in furthering and developing a workplace that is truly inclusive, in essence.

7. Women in Leadership

Presented by USB Executive Development, this course on Programs.Online provides realistic solutions and strategies to overcome gender prejudice bias towards women in the workplace. This online program will make you aware of your potential as a woman business leader and how you can utilize the very same unique strength to enhance the overall efficiency of your organization.

8. Women's Leadership Masterclass

This program on Udemy is specifically designed to help you achieve new heights and boost up your overall work performance. By identifying hindrances holding you back, this course will make sure that as a woman leader, you embrace new opportunities that come along your way and do not shy away from bagging that role or promotion that you had been eyeing for, for quite a while.

9. Succeed, Influence and Inspire as a Woman in Leadership

As a woman in an influential position, you possess the key for unlocking a lot of previously unharnessed possibilities. While this course on Udemy will equip you with skills to tackle and combat bias and prejudices that might come in your way, it will also enable you to effectively address them and to thereby, develop a work environment rooted in positivity and acceptance of one and all, free of stereotypes of all kinds.

10. Fundamentals of Negotiation, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

This program on Coursera is designed to present women leaders with effective tools relating to bargaining and negotiating. If you are looking to amp up your skills when it comes to developing unique, cohesive solutions, this free, online course with flexible deadlines is one that you must check out before deciding on your final pick.


By: John Mathew

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